Digital Collections

Build your Digital Repository

Fedora Commons Server with Islandora

This is a Fedora Commons Repository Server

a cPanel based installation of Drupal


with the Islandora software stack.

1024 MB Memory (RAM)
30GB Disk Storage (default)
3TB Network Bandwidth
Rsync backups
SLC Data Center, CentOS 6.x x64
easily add more resources as you need them.
Fedora 3.8.1
Solr 4.2.0
Fedora Gsearch 2.6
Adore Djatoka 1.1

Fedora Commons Repository Server

4GB Memory (RAM)
80GB Disk Space
3TB Network Bandwidth
CentOS 6.x x64

Fedora 3.8.1
Solr 4.2.0
Fedora Gsearch 2.6
Adore Djatoka 1.1

$120.00 USD
$500.00 Kurulum Ücreti
Satın Al
Islandora Hosting


5Gb Disk
400GB Bandwidth
Dedicated IP
SSH Shell Access

This is a cPanel based web hosting account configured with Drupal on the domain with the Islandora modules installed. (Fedora commons server not included. Order the bundle to get both products.)

Omeka Hosting

10Gb Disk
512GB Bandwidth
admin access to install plugins